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lily dex

Track the Pokémon you've captured in Pokémon GO! lily dex is a dead-simple app for Pokédex completionists.


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Current GO Dex ✨

lily dex is dedicated to Pokémon GO. Pokémon are added as they are released in-game.

Raid Bosses ✨

See the current raid bosses and get recommendations when one you're missing becomes available.

Shiny Tracking ✨

For an extra challenge, mark the shiny Pokémon you've captured to complete your shiny dex.

Widgets ✨

See the your current Pokédex total along with recently captured Pokémon on your home screen.

Thank you to The PoGo API for providing the data used in this app. Feel free to tweet at @PoGoAPI if the data is out of date, but please verify on their Is It Released page before doing so.